Living in Minnesota, where winters can be harsh, doesn’t stop me from embarking on a solo winter RV camping weekend. In this adventure, I share insights, tips and tricks, plus address cold-weather RV camping how-to answers for those of you who are curious about winter camping.

Join me and my camping buddy, Thor, as we brave the cold and explore the beauty of winter camping.

Staying Warm – The Layering Game

Staying warm in freezing temperatures is crucial. I share my layering strategy, from thick joggers and boots to a heated vest that turns winter camping into a toasty experience.

Lighting the Campfire

Building a campfire is both a necessity and a joy during winter camping. Despite the damp wood, I rely on InstaFire to kickstart the fire. Layering and the heated vest keep me comfortably warm even as the temperature drops to 27°.

The Solo Camping Experience

Solo winter camping, once a daunting prospect, has become a regular and rewarding activity for me. I share a valuable tip: placing an extra chair gives the illusion of company, providing a sense of security when camping alone.

The Midnight Challenge – Answering Nature’s Call

Addressing one of the most common questions about winter camping – bathroom facilities. With the camper winterized, I showcase a portable toilet solution using double-duty bags, ensuring a convenient and mess-free experience.

Essential Considerations

As the night passes, I answer questions about water, electric hookups, and batteries. I emphasize the importance of proper preparation, including using compostable plates, a collapsible bin, and choosing campsites with electric hookups.

Bonus Tips for Comfort

I share additional insights, such as using a portable heater to conserve propane, the effectiveness of the Froli Sleep System in preventing condensation and keeping humidity in check with a dehumidifier.

Embracing Winter Camping Culture

With a picturesque morning view, showcasing the beauty of winter camping I touch on the availability of year-round campsites in Minnesota and Wisconsin state parks,  to consider winter because I want to encourage you to try camping in winter a try as a rewarding outdoor activity.


Winter camping, often underestimated, offers a unique and peaceful experience. Armed with the right gear, strategies, and a willingness to embrace the cold, anyone can enjoy the beauty of winter in the great outdoors. So, whether you’re a seasoned winter camper or contemplating your first adventure, I invite you to brave the cold and discover the joys of winter camping.

📋 Winter RV Camping Resources Mentioned in this Video:

✅ Solo RV Camping Tips Video:
✅ WildStory Tees (fun outdoorsy loving gear):
✅ Save 15% off your Froli… I LOVE MY FROLI!

🥶 RV Winter Camping Gear I Use on Amazon:
