LAZY YET TASTY! f you love EASY and you love SCRUMPTIOUS camp food you need to make these camping meal ideas. They are so delicious! You can cook them in your RV, on a grill, or over a campfire! Easy-Peasy for both beginners and you chefs!
I hope these RV cooking ideas inspire you to cook up some tasty meals!
A super big thank-you shout-out to the channel @TiaandAndy for sharing your scrumptious easy-to-make camp food cooking recipes with us! You can watch their video to see how they made their steak burrito camping recipe here:
Chocolate Mug Cake Recipe
– 2 TBSP butter
– 2 TBSP water
– 1/4 TSP vanilla
– 1 pinch salt
– 1/4 cup white sugar
– 1/4 cup flour
– 2 TBSP cocoa powder
Melt the butter in a coffee mug. Add water, vanilla, and salt and stir until smooth. Add sugar, cocoa powder, and flour, and stir until lumps are out. Cook in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. (I cooked mine for about 60 seconds). If you want “less” lava and more cake you can cook it for 10 seconds more. You may have to adjust the cooking time since all microwaves cook at different speeds.
This is where I found the easy chocolate mug cake recipe idea perfect for a delicious RV camping desert:
Little Guy Trailer Video Playlist:
📣 If you want to attend next year’s Randi’s Adventures “Wanna Camp Together” meetup watch this video for details:
📣 Shop Amazon for all my favorite RV gear here:
🤩 Go here for cool camping and adventure t-shirts, with my newest adventure WildStory Tees, where every shirt tells a story:
🖤 🖤 My #1 Favorite RV Upgrade! (AND SAVE 15% WITH MY PROMO CODE)
Stop moisture from getting under your RV mattress AND convert your RV bed into a luxury 5-Star like hotel bed with the FROLI SLEEP SYSTEM!
➡️ Buy your Froli here: (Be sure to use PROMO CODE: Randi to get your 15% savings!)
Froli Sleep System installation video:
This is an RV camping related YouTube channel community, a place for Weekend Warriors to get inspired, share ideas about small campers, travel trailers, campgrounds, outdoors, RV tips and tricks, accessories, hacks, gadgets, modifications, upgrade ideas to help us have memorable camping getaways.
I love the outdoors, hiking, campfires, meeting fellow campers, exploring new campgrounds and my small travel trailer the Little Guy Max makes this happen. I also camp all 4 seasons and yes… that includes winter camping! I live in Minnesota and mostly camp in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Weekend RV life in my small camper brings me joy. I am a camper at heart and loving every outdoor minute.
I can’t wait to see you next Thursday!
❤ Randi
Randi’s Adventures, All Rights Reserved
DISCLAIMER: My videos are for entertainment purposes only. I am not a travel or RV expert. It is important to do your own research to find what works best for you. Some of my links are affiliate links. I make a small commission if you use these links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.