My family auditions for Family Feud! This Family Feud audition video is really special because this TV game show has been a family favorite since I can remember.
My family is auditioning for the TV show and we had so much fun taping this game show audition video. Their website offers local auditions or video additions. Since my family is in different locations we decided to put our Family Feud audition video together at our latest gathering in Portland over Christmas 2018. Although it is so different than my RV camping videos…Family Feud asks for a link to an audition video to be considered for the show so I thought I’d take you on my journey!
Give a Family Feud thumbs up above by clicking the thumbs up icon above to let the Family Feud TV show producers know you want to see us on F-A-M-I-L-Y F-E-U-D! We can’t wait to meet Steve!
Have you auditioned for Family Feud? Let me know what was your experience! And if you are Weekend RV camping Warriors like us… please subscribe. Let’s adventure together!